October 2022 Saturday Morning Thoughts

Here are some brief thoughts I had as I watched Saturday Morning's Session of General Conference.  These aren't meant to be deep doctrinal musings - just some simple thoughts to any who enjoyed Conference as much as I did.


WOW!  Almost $1 billion donated in just 2021 to helping others.  Good causes, indeed!  I love how Pres. Oaks credited so many amazing people and organizations that are relieving the suffering of his children.  We’ve done some amazing things and can also learn SO much from others.  As members of the Church we need to be more aware and more appreciative of the service of others and look for opportunities to do the same - just like the Savior did!   Great way to start off Conference!


Such hopeful and encouraging words from Elder Uchtdorf to all the youth…and all those who used to be young.  I saw the new For the Strength of Youth earlier this morning and I LOVE it!  More Christ and doctrine centered and less focused on all the behaviors.   A great resource to help our kids (and us) to learn higher and holier ways and the WHYS to become like the Savior.  Oh, and I’m pretty sure he had airplanes on his tie…


I love hearing Tracy Browning speak!  “Friends, Jesus Christ is both the purpose of our focus and the intent of our destination.”  I’ve really been focusing on the acronym “WWJT” (Where was Jesus Today) by looking for him and inviting my students to look for him, so I love how Sister Browning said “Where we look for [Jesus Christ] we will find Him, each and every day.” 


Elder Renlund taking the figurative baton from Elder Uchtdorf and giving us the token airplane analogy was awesome!  I love the concept of “The Framework of Revelation!”  When we operate within this amazing framework, the Holy Ghost can unleash astonishing insight, direction, and comfort.  “If God has answered a question and the circumstances haven't changed, why would we expect the answer to be different?”  It’s important to be in the right runway or we’ll crash and burn.


Are the traditions and customs of the Gospel ‘normal’ in our lives?  If it feels foreign, follow Elder Pino’s invitation to keep on the covenant path to where it feels “normal”.  Note to self: Try coconut with chili…and possibly avocado with sugar.  


Best tweet so far…”Hello, my name is Elder Hugo Montoya, this is my General Conference talk, prepare to be edified.”  And I loved his talk.  We are willing to help each other because we love each other. Our needs become their needs and their needs become our needs.   Now I want to go get a new, upgraded snowblower!


Totally loving Elder Ronald A. Rasband’s old school marked up Book of Mormon.  So many cool stories about the sharing of the Book of Mormon.  “You do not have to go to Mozambique or India or meet with kings and rulers to give someone this book of sacred teachings and promises.”   I would love to be known as “a Book of Mormon missionary”.  Soccer coaches and produce men…here I come! :)


President Nelson not only the heat about abuse in any form and simply put, “I pray that this conference will provide the spiritual feast you are seeking.” 


So far…so good! 🙏🏻