October 2023 Saturday Afternoon Session

Saturday Afternoon Session, baby! Let’s GO!

The phrase “Prove me no herewith” is only found once in the scriptures - when it comes to the blessing of paying a full tithing. The only permanent solution to the poverty of this world is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. "The windows open in many ways. Some are temporal but many are spiritual. Some are subtle and easy to overlook. Trust in the Lord's timing - the blessings always come." I have a strong testimony of what Elder Andersen testified of. Always good to hear about the blessings of what tithing can really do when trust is placed in the Lord.

Just like Elder Newman, I’ve never noticed that the wise man “digged deep” and laid the foundation of his house, that never fell (Luke 6:48). Trying to teach children to dig deep to build their testimony is a Herculean task at times. Fortunately, it’s a consistent, lifelong effort. And we’re doing much better than we think. And fortunately, we don’t have to do it alone. God is really good at what He does.

I love Elder Joaquin E. Costa’s energy and spirit. I remember him from the last time he spoke. Even when I forget Him, He is still there encouraging me and telling me you can try again tomorrow. Although we are imperfect at remembering Him, our loving Heavenly Father never fails to remember us. Our covenants are not merely transactional, but rather transformational.

Spiritual gifts are SO amazing! God-given gifts make gifted people…and exercising spiritual gifts requires spiritual exercise. As we listen and act on spiritual promptings, the Holy Ghost magnifies what we can do beyond our ability. We do that by standing in Holy places, standing with Holy people, testifying of Holy truths as often as we can, and listening to the Holy Spirit. "Latter-day Saints should be gifted, covenant-keeping, people."

And I am totally digging the gray, window pane suit from Elder Stevenson!

OH, and the phrase “In coming days" count: 3 (so far…)

Elder Yoon Han Choi’s simple question “Do you want to be happy?” Came with a relatively simple answer. Isn’t it simple to be happy? Just make covenants and keep them in your lives. I have a testimony of Church callings and their abilities to keep us on the covenant path as we faithfully serve, even when they come at hard and inconvenient times. Yoking ourselves to the Savior through covenants will help us by happier.

Every parent can feel the scariness of Elder Alan T. Phillips’ story of leaving a kid at a gas station. We are all the subjects of the Savior’s parables of the lost. We are not an accidental by-product of nature, a cosmic orphan, or the result of matter plus time plus chance. Where there is design there is a designer. Our life has meaning and purpose. And with that knowledge, Christ is our rescuer and the healer of our souls.

Back-to-back Matthew 11:28-30 “yoke” references are always so relevant.

I always love listening to Elder Ronald A. Rasband. The gathering of Israel (at least the third talk about this) is the most important thing taking place today. Nothing else compares in important nor majesty. Having a son getting ready to receive a mission call brings this to the forefront of my mind. So excited that he has the chance to participate in this most important of causes. As my teenage boys pointed to me when Elder Rasband called for Senior missionaries, I pointed back at them and said, “after we help you guys all go”.

OH, and Donny Osmond was also there today. Cool!

The charcuterie board is calling my name again…See you tonight!