April 2023 Saturday Morning Thoughts
Woohooo - It’s General Conference weekend! So excited to learn and to share the goodness of Jesus Christ at this exciting time! I love hearing the living prophets bear testimony of the Living Christ
Elder Gary Stevenson’s opening words about how we could potentially model the teaching and celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Easter story, with the same balance, fullness and rich religious tradition of the birth of Jesus Christ around Christmas really got me thinking about how we may be shortchanging the meaning of our celebration of the Easter Season. 3 Nephi 11 can most definitely be the Easter equivalent of Luke 2. Some of the members of my family and I have recently started re-reading The Book of Mormon and it absolutely contains the greatest Easter story EVER told.
“Never give up an opportunity to testify of Christ.” What wise counsel from Sis. Bonnie Cordon’s ailing father. Are we as anxious to be witnesses of the Lord as those in the Book of Mormon? Proximity shouldn’t be an issue in our qualifications to testify. For the last year. I’ve been sharing the acronym WWJT (Where Was Jesus Today?) with my classes. If you look for Jesus, you’ll find Him. And once you find Him, testifying of Him should be the next step.
Elder Carl B. Cook answered a very specific question of mine. There are times when discouragement and overwhelm can come very natural to me. So his words, “Don't let discouragement overwhelm us” resonated with me. Is that new counsel? Nope. But as with most things in General Conference, it was a refreshing reminder. Thankfully, when we are weak or incapable, the Lord can strengthen our faith; he can increase our capacity beyond our own. His Stake Conference story with President. Packer was both entertaining and enlightening. Exercising faith and hope is much better than giving energy to discouragement and fear.
I love seeing the worldwide ministering efforts of Elder Gerrit W. Gong and seeing so many faithful Saints. Ministering is not about box-checking, it is about blessing lives. "Jesus Christ ministers, angels minister, followers of Jesus Christ minister one to another."
I imagine that having TWO Elder Cooks speaking in this session has messed up the #eldercook hashtag on social media…but both of them brought it! Elder Quentin L. Cook masterfully explained what it means to truly be “safely gathered home” and our responsibility and privilege in the gathering. As complicated as we sometimes tend to make that process, it simply comes down to loving, sharing, and inviting.
Even “cartoon-crazed” kids like Elder Allen Haynie can recognize a prophet. Knowing by revelation that there's a living prophet on the Earth changes everything. And just like that, everyone will be flattening their water bottles from here on out. Lets just hope we can all follow the prophet on other matters just as well.
Best tweet so far…”Elder Haynie’s talk is 🔥 🔥 🔥 ! Kind of feels like I am getting the free mobile version of Elder Holland.”
President Eyring’s tender reading of the scriptures in John 14 was such a nice reminder of why it is so important to “keep the commandments”. Peace is something that is so needed today. The gift of peace to which he refers is not merely a feeling of security. It goes far more profound. Looking forward to studying this talk in a little more depth. This talk is holy, sacred, and filled with optimistic hope. Also, a specific answer to my prayers.
"The Lord loves you. He always has. The Lord wants you to come back. Your promised blessings are still in place."
Looking forward to Saturday afternoon to see what other prayers are answered!