October 2023 Sunday Morning Session
UM, Sunday Morning - WOW!
94 year-old M. Russell Ballard bearing a bold and tender testimony of Joseph Smith is such a great way to start off. As a Christian and believer of the Bible, I love Jesus! I’ve also thought many times how much additional knowledge I have about Jesus Christ that comes because of the Restoration of the Gospel and because of Joseph Smith. I love how simple and sincere this talk/testimony is from President Ballard, I am kind of glad he cannot see the teleprompter!
As I’ve heard many aging prophets say, “my eyesight has dimmed, but my vision is improving.” If anyone is questioning their testimony of Joseph Smith, please study this talk and feel the testimony of this wonderful servant of God. I sure felt it.
Emily Belle Freeman always does such a good job! Don’t we all walk the Jesus trail broken? And we need help waling the path together. As your trail demands so His succor shall be. He will not leave you there; HIs is a mission of ascension. "A covenant is not only about a contract, it's about a relationship." That’s at least the second time I’ve heard that idea this Conference. I love studying about the WHY of Covenant relationships. I think she’ll be a fantastic leader for the YW of the Church.
Elder Adilson Parrella encouraged us to take the name of Christ. Jesus suggests what that means: “He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do …” I loved this example he shared…”He has never imposed his faith on us, but he is not shy about it either. He just lives what he believes." I guess that when we take upon ourselves the name Jesus Christ, that should come pretty naturally.
So sweet to hear Elder Cook refer to M. Russell Ballard as his “quorum president.” Whenever trials occur, we mourn and strive to bear one another's burdens. Bad things happen to good people on this mortal journey. I hear this question a TON in the seminary setting. Elder Cook’s words are very instructive responses to this question. This is the time allotted for us to prepare to meet God. I also love the answer from the second edition of “Preach My Gospel” - too long to record here, but great to study on your own. Simply put - All that is unfair about life can be made right through the atonement of Jesus Christ.
By the way, “Earth has no sorrow that Heaven cannot heal” is one of my favorite lines from a hymn. (See Hymn #115)
Is there LASIK to get 20/20 spiritual vision? Asking for a friend.
I love that Elder Uchtdorf threw a fresh coat of Apostolic paint on “The Greatest Short Story Ever Told”…the beautiful Parable of the prodigal son. Might be one of the best retellings of this story that I have ever heard. “It wasn’t an empty stomach that bothered him, it was an empty soul.” How will God react if someone decides to come back to the Savior? This talk should give you an idea of what it will be like for you.
And his hashtag game is on point!
And I love hearing fellow apostles/beloved friends quoting each other.
Ephraim Hanks had a powerful gift of healing. His story is pretty remarkable. He reached the handcart company before the group because he went alone. Interesting lesson there. Don't wait for a group effort. Your personal motivation to go to the rescue can do wonders. It’s because Ephraim Hanks’ hero was Jesus Christ. “What was once innocent childhood fun can become a stumbling block when “hero worship” of politicians, bloggers, influencers, athletes, or musicians causes us to “look beyond the mark” and lose sight of what is truly essential.” THE Hero, our hero, is Jesus Christ.
“No leader has shown more courage, no humanitarian more kindness, no physician has cured more disease and no artist has been more creative than Jesus Christ.”
“In coming days…” count: 5? At least…
I appreciate so much, President Eyring’s sentiments to his descendants, “when he is not with them in the exciting days ahead” Nephi's experience embarking for the brass plates has given me courage many times when I have embarked on tasks beyond my own experience. I feel that! 1 Nephi 3:7 and 4:6 has given me courage many times. Helaman 11:23 is also moving its way up my “favorite scripture” list after this talk. True points and doctrine and revelation can put an end to strife. His personal stories are always awesome.
General Conference always helps me to keep #LIVINGMYBESTLIFE and I’ve #NEVERBEENHAPPIER