For being a spry 91 years old (the youngest of our First Presidency), Henry B. Eyring looks great as he opened the October 2024 General Conference! As for President Nelson - I think it should be a given that when you are 100 years old, you’re allowed to watch Conference from home.
Always love the opportunity to sustain living Prophets, Apostles., and Leaders.

“The gift of hope is a priceless endowment from God." Elder Neil L. Andersen must have quoted at least 10 hope-filled scriptures in the opening minutes of his talk. Hope is something I have thought a lot about lately - it may be one of the greatest things we can do in our uncertain and anxious world. There is no pain, no sickness, no injustice, no suffering, nothing that can darken our hope as we believe and hold tightly to our covenants with God. Our world desperately needs this message! Trey is valiantly serving his desired mission!
As YW President Emily Belle Freeman spoke tenderly about the sacrament, I loved how she shared that “the sons of God have been ordained to stand in place of the Son of God." Harmony, PA has a special place in my heart - it’s such a special place! Everything that happened in Harmony has profound implications for our lives. And her words about D&C 25 to Emma Smith, brought that section even more to life and the importance of “cleaving to covenants” and accessing God’s power.
Ladies…live up to your privileges: Daughter of God
Elect Lady

Anyone who has ever passed out at the pulpit feels seen now. Thanks, Elder Karl D. Hirst. The rule continues to hold... accents make talks better - especially when he said the word “love”. "When we love one another, as completely and fully as we can, Heaven gets involved too." We are never too broken or lost to receive God's love. Voices may tell you that you do not warrant heavenly love. “If you hear those ideas then please hear this: those voices are just wrong.” Always love hearing “hesed” being referenced.
Dale G. Renlund’s tie = 
. Bold color, bold pattern, and good knot. Loved his comparison of the volatility of nitroglycerin to advent of dynamite, which changed the world! “Just as dynamite without nitroglycerin is unremarkable, the Savior’s Church is only special if it is built on His gospel.” The combination of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, provides powerful and transformative benefits for us.

BTW - It's spelled, "Kieselguhr" if you were wondering like I was.
Truth is not relative. There are eternal truths and though many have sought to change this truth, it does not change. I thought it was fascinating that Elder David P. Homer taught that the desire to change God's truth has been present since the very beginning. It is easy for our pride to come between us and eternal truth. Rather than trying to change truth, there is power in the phrase “help thou mine unbelief”. God is so good and His ways are better than mine.
I get the impression that it is probably difficult to not be happy around Elder Gregorio E. Casillas (who looks like a fresh RM…) He reminded me that one of the reasons you were sent here is so that you can reach my full potential. This has also been on my mind a lot lately in every aspect of my life - especially as I am trying to improve myself as a disciple of Jesus Christ.
Gratefully, President Dallin H. Oaks has spoken about the essential principle of keeping the commandments and the importance of covenants a few times over the years. “Following Christ is not a casual or occasional practice. It is a continuous commitment and way of life that should guide us at all times and in all places.” We must steer clear of toxic conversations. Christ taught the Nephites to avoid contention. Our modern world is plagued with toxic dialogue, and we must avoid it. Contention is a choice, peacemaking is a choice. We are urged to be peacemakers.
Pretty relevant stuff for our world right now!
This opening session of General Conference was