OK, friends - after a satisfying lunch (well, OK - it was a salad, but it had a lot of protein and ranch dressing, so there’s that), excited for round 5 of General Conference!
Always love to see Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf, whose tie game is on point as always! “What is eternal and what is not? Once we understand that, everything changes.” Not all truth is of equal value. Some truths are core and essential to our Faith. Others are appendages - valuable but only when they're connected to the core. Is my testimony based on what I hope will happen in my life? Or is it firmly founded on Jesus Christ regardless of life’s changing circumstances. No planes reference, but that’s ok because I love this man!
Takashi Wada’s wife was the one mentioned earlier today who did beautiful calligraphy. I love that he learned English through reading the Bible. “When we pray, we should speak from our heart, express our gratitude, and share our hopes and desires.” I wonder how many people only paying partial attention said "Amen" in the middle of Elder Wada's talk as he explained praying in the name of Jesus Christ.

“Life without knowing the plan of salvation was confusing.”
Back-to-back converts speaking powerfully about Christ and following Him.
I love the opportunity to sustain those who serve. “In holding up our hands, we are committing our support, not just for that moment but in our daily lives.” “To hold up the Prophet is a sacred work. We do not sit quietly by, but actively defend him, follow his counsel, teach his words and pray for him.”. At age 100, President Nelson has been kept and preserved by the Lord. And I’m honored to sustain the gospel of Jesus Christ, His church, and His prophet. Thanks for the reminder, Elder Rasband!
“We need to do more lifting and less murmuring.” This would also go great downstairs by our weights and gym equipment…

Announcements and constructions of all the temples may not change your life but worship in them will.
First time I’ve ever watched a choir sing “We Thank Thee, O God For a Prophet” to/for a 100 year-old living President of the church.
Elder Quentin L. Cook really hit on something powerful in his talk, reminding us that while handheld devices are handy, the real "original handheld device" is a good book. The t-shirt is available on Amazon, by the way. Specifically, the scriptures—our guideposts in this complicated world. He emphasized that no amount of technology will ever replace the divine revelation found in them. Not a fan of doomscrolling at all, but like most I get caught up in other endless distractions if I’m not careful. The Book of Mormon, in particular, plays a crucial role in enduring conversion and building a foundation strong enough to resist the adversary’s constant attempts to shake our faith. Focus on the good stuff and let the internet be a tool for growth, not just a time-waster! Love it!
The correct algorithms can also help lead people to Christ

Love that we’ve had several mentions on the First Vision and Joseph Smith, including the latest from Elder Ruben V. Alliaud. I don’t think we realize how crucial that event is to us. We are literally the children of God, so we have the capability to become like him. I always love a good Moses 1 reference - that is also a life-altering chapter of scripture. Satan wants you to believe you are a son of a man instead of a son of God. He wins if he gets you to believe that. “How different in life our decisions would be if we really knew who we really are.”
The focus of the 1996 Nigerian Dream Team helped them win the gold in olympics in soccer. They ignored the distractions and went beyond what they thought was possible. Likewise, when we focus on Christ we can success beyond what we can imagine and feel great joy. "Christ is joy. Christ is hope. He is the promise of good things to come." By the way, nice tie, Elder I. Raymond Egbo!
More “Joy” quotes galore! Not sure, but how many times has someone quoted Pres. Nelson’s quote about joy in *every circumstance*? I think I’ve counted at least three so far... Must be important or something.
It’s been awesome to see so many international Church leaders speak.
“Think a Sacred Song” - Hymn #1006 - pretty song, with a great message.
The preservation and renovation of the Salt Lake Temple, and other areas on Temple Square, has been underway for nearly five years. Present projections indicate that this work will be completed by the end of 2026. I can’t believe it has been that long, but it will be pretty amazing.
17 new temples! So awesome!
“Brothers and sisters, now is the time for you, and for me, to prepare for the Second Coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ. Now is the time for us to make our discipleship our highest priority.”
“Here is my promise to you: Every sincere seeker of Jesus Christ will find Him in the temple.”
“To whom or what will I give my life?“
"The Lord will comfort you, too. He will strengthen you. He will bless you with peace, even amidst chaos."
Although I enjoy hearing about the new temples, I love hearing Pres. Nelson talk about the power you can receive through attending and serving in temple. Temples prepare the people who will help prepare the world for Jesus Christ’s 2nd Coming.
The best is yet to come, my friends! And I believe it!
Thanks as always for letting me share my faith (and my food) with you! So excited to study for the next 6 months to see what the Lord has in store for me!