After a beautiful breakfast casserole and a glorious piece of Cap’n Crunch French Toast, I’m ready to be spiritually fed!
Man, we’ve got some powerhouse speakers this session - let’s do this!
After all he has been through, President Holland looks good! Just being in the presence of the Son of God and hearing his voice is enough to send antagonists stumbling into retreat. Jesus was routinely placed in difficult situations in which He was always triumphant. We must not be guilty of simplistic versions of Christ that ignore His teachings that make us uncomfortable and especially don’t dumb down his ability to love! He taught grace and truth at the same time…and he was obedient as he experienced sadness and extreme loneliness. IMO, President Holland has done the very same.
We don’t cut class. We signed up for the whole term. We stay the course. The exam is OPEN BOOK.
I've noticed a lot of speakers used the word “align” instead of “submit” when it comes to our will during this Conference.
Tracy Y. Browning’s style is always on point. Her take on the planet formerly known as Pluto was great. At times having limitations can feel frustrating or overwhelming when we come to the edge of our knowledge and venture into the areas we don't fully understand. God's plan is merciful towards the limitations of humanity as he gives continual spiritual guidance and direction. The nameless servant girl in the story of Naaman, the leper has always been a HERO to me!
The “Holland/Browning” one-two punch was powerful!
All I could think of at the beginning of her talk was to quote the great Burton Guster…”Hear about Pluto? That’s messed up.” And so did the rest of the social media world…🍍
Whenever I see Elder Brook P. Hales, I remember him as the guy who for several years gave the always riveting statistical numbers as the secretary to the First Presidency. Since he was called as a Seventy, I’ve loved his talks even more. “Mortality works and it’s designed to work such in that we are not destined to fail.” It is all going to be okay. And his tender thoughts about his beautiful mother at the end were wonderful.
Bishop L. Todd Budge taught me some insightful Japanese this morning, for example - the word, “busy” = death of heart or spirit. Both body and spirit will die if not nourished. Make time for the Lord, even during your busiest days. Be still. Slow down. Live with greater spiritual awareness. Quiet time is sacred time - I’m a big believer in that! Love the picture that hangs in his office which means to be still and seek the Lord every day with all your heart might mind and strength.
'When a man works by faith he works by mental exertion;' I feel this deeply!
As a superfan of Churc History, I always appreciate a good 1820-1830 story - what a wild and amazing time! An incredible amount of events for the benefit of the world occurred. Makes me WAY excited for the next 10 years! We'll have opportunities to share the light of the gospel more than ever before. How can anyone fear the future when we look to it with this kind of faith! Elder Gary E. Stevenson is getting me pumped for the next 10 years! Let’s GOOOOO! My favorite talk so far!
2024-2034 - a time for living, caring, inviting, & uniting! Days never to be forgotten!
Brad Wilcox’s reference to the children’s letters to God were hilarious! “Why must Latter-Day Saints live so differently than others?” a question heard around the world. You are a child of God, a disciple of Jesus Christ, and you've been saved for the last days. Your birthright doesn't mean you're better than others but it does mean you can help others to be better. So glad I’m on this cruise ship called earth! I’m totally ok with Brad Wilcox as the cruise director…and President Russell M. Nelson captaining the ship! Excited to see this talk quoted and referenced for many years.
“Is your birthright evidence of God’s love? Yes, but more important, it is evidence of His trust. It is one thing to be loved and another thing entirely to be trusted.” You’ve got this. Because Jesus has got you.
Did Elder Stevenson and Bro. Wilcox coordinate those plaid suits?😂
“My Shepherd Will Supply My Need” has always been a favorite of mine - especially when to TABCATS sing it! Though I've heard it many times before, that performance wrecked me. Such a strong witness. 😭😭😭 I’m not crying…YOU ARE!
“Try the virtue of the word of God” has always been such a powerful phrase to me. We should try the virtue of the word of God more often. We tend to want to go for the sword first. Quite a different approach to “battle”. “The word of God is the doctrine taught by Jesus Christ and by His prophets.” As a teacher, I appreciate the phrase “choose to be simple in our teaching”. I’ve really tried to do that in almost 30 years of gospel teaching. Haven’t been arrested like for my teaching yet…what a faithful great grandmother!
Don't give into those doubts. Turn to God for help.
What a powerful session! Need food! See you in a couple hours!